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Does anyone have any old film taken in Working Men’s Clubs?
Do you have any old film that your dad or granddad took in the local club lying around? Do you have anything stored away in a club storeroom somewhere collecting dust? Then if so, this is wanted!
A small company in London, Kinolibrary, is trying to find some amateur film of working men’s clubs in their heyday, particularly the 1960s.
They want to see what the members of clubs did as through the eyes/lens of members themselves! They are very interested in working class leisure as seen from the perspective of working class people themselves.
If the film is in a useable condition and suitable for their needs, they are willing to pay a small fee.
Club Historians is assisting them because we believe that there is a dearth of such home-made type of film about clubs available. We don't just want the professional documentary film but what the people made for themselves.
So- get searching!
You can contact -
Jenny Coan
+44 (0) 203 623 7102
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