Saturday, 12 November 2011

News from Down Under

From our Aussie Coordinator Maria Fletcher

Club Historians receives a fair few messages from people 'down under', many of them people who emigrated years ago or those who are Aussie born but seeking information about family history back in the UK. Australia has its own share of clubs which have much in common with our own.

We have published the first message from Maria, who grew up in the UK and has some lovely memories of the clubs. Maria has kindly agreed to act as a sort of coordinator for us. If anyone else in Australia is reading and has something they want to share, please get in touch!

Take a look on the Club Historians site - From Down Under

Viennese Café Culture and Clubs

Ruth recently took a weekend trip to Vienna.  You'll be interested to read about the link between Viennese Café Culture and Clubs!  A fascinating article -

At the same time I had my first ever trip to Hunstanton.  What a wonderful place!  An inexpensive weekend in a caravan where the site had a fantastic club house.  No luck at bingo I'm afraid but enjoyable nonetheless. 

The evening entertainment was faultless firstly with Carry on Cabaret (from my neighbouring town of Worksop) on Friday.  Saturday was the Halloween Fancy Dress with Back2Beat packing the dance floor.

A great first trip - can't wait till the next one.